Monday, August 17, 2015

Fleet Combat 101: The Watch List by Hohenheim

Fleet Combat 101: The Watch List

When flying in fleet during combat operations, the very first thing you should do is add your fellow pilots to your watch list. Doing this will enable you to monitor your fleet members and offer aid if necessary (either with combat support or logistics support).

Adding Pilots

To add a pilot yo your WL, first open the fleet window and make sure it is set to hierarchy (as shown above).

Find the pilot you want to add and Right Click their name - a drop down window will appear offering you the ability to add that pilot to your WL.

Note: You can also add an entire squad or wing to your WL - up to a maximum of 15 pilots.

Understanding the Watch List

The watch list is configured in exactly the same way as drones are once deployed. The first bar indicates Sheilds, the second bar indicates Armor, and the last Hull.

The watch list allows you to warp to s specific pilot, see who has displayed a target or who is in need of aid (refer to fleet broadcasts).

Friday, August 14, 2015

Anchoring a POS by Asten

Notes on POS
At the present time a POS can only be deployed at an empty (no other pos there) moon. There has been talk of alloying them to be setup anywhere in space at some point.

A small tower is all that's needed to have enough power to put up a compression and reprocessing arrays. A mining op in a stationless system will probably only need a compression array.

A compression array will hold 20 million m3 of ore or about 20 fully cargo optimized freighter.

Another pos can then be set up in the manufacturing system with a reprocessing array to break the ore into minerals. I believe a max skilled refiner (with the +4 refining implant) gets a refine of 69.9 % in a maxed station and 71.9 % in a pos. (in highsec anyway, not sure of the mechanics for null anymore)

Setting up the POS
You warp to the moon at 0, providing it's unoccupied you can right click on the tower in your cargohold (freighter, orca, DST (deep space transport) or large enough T1 industrial) choose launch for corp.

Click on the packaged tower in space and choose ANCHOR. The pos will start to be anchored about 50-75 km away. 

You should have time to slowboat to it before it's anchored. Right click on the tower right away and bookmark it's position so you can find it again. Once it's anchored, you can access the fuel bay and put in fuel and starbase charters and online the tower.

Now that the shields (bubble) are up you can launch the compression array the same as you did the tower. When you click on the array to anchor it, it will appear as a green box with directional arrows on it. Drag the arrows to position the array where you want it. It will not let you anchor it too close to the tower. Once in position you can right click on the box to anchor and then online the array.

When the op is over you can unload the arrays and offline and unanchor the arrays and tower till next time. I wouldn't leave unanchoring arrays or a tower unattended as once unanchored anyone can scoop them up.