Monday, July 6, 2015

Fleet Mining 101 by Keto

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2015.07.06 19:40

This guide is definately not meant as the final word on fleet ops. It's what works for me. If any part of this makes your mining easier then great because that's why I wrote it.

Joining a Fleet:
If there's an op scheduled hopefully the op manager has a fleet up well in advance of the op and has scouted the belts and systems for the best mining, ratting, whatever. Click the E on top of the NEOCOM (far upper left of screen) then SOCIAL then FLEET. The Fleet window will pop up on your screen. Upper left of the fleet window click on find fleets. All fleets available to you to join will be listed. Click on the fleet you want and join fleet. If you have alts that are non-corp and you want them in fleet wait until you have them all in the op system and then ask in voice comms or corp chat for an invite. This enables the op leader to pick them out of local for an invite. If you know who the orca is right click their name in the fleet window and choose to warp to them. Right click on the orca and open the fleet hangar, now you will be able to drag directly from your ore bay to the orca fleet hangar. Right click on the orca again and set your ship to keep the orca at 1000 m.

I dislike having more than 5 maxed miners per orca.(except in ice) We have 4 kinds of ore in most of our belts (Veld, scord, plag and omber) each pilot should pick 1 type of ore to mine with the extra miner helping with the most numerous type of roid or a lesser skilled miner. 2 miners mining the same roid is very inefficient as only 1 will get ore when the roid pops. We as a corp already have the luxury of having multiple well skilled orca pilots and a couple max skilled. A max skilled oraca pilot with the implant will give a 69,9% increase to yield over mining solo, so let's not hear any whining if the corp charges 10% of the total take. Depending on how many pilots we have in the op mining multiple belts at the same time should be considered. A freighter can haul for multiple orca's.

Voice Comms:

I know voice comms aren't handy for some but I encourage everone to at least be able to listen in on Raidcall. It never fails that op members use 3 different chat channels to communicate during an op. I guess I'm going to take a hard line on this. I will be on voice comms and will pretty much not be watching typed chat during an op. Voice is mandatory for most of Eve during combat, this is my combat.

Mining Buddy:
We are considering using MB to track ore ops and possibly ice.

All payouts are in ISK and calculated by Mining Buddy based on Dodixie Max Buy price and updated by MB daily. 

  • IF you like to afk mine and can't be arsed to keep your lasers up and running then these are not ops for you. Mining Bosses will kick any member who frequently drops their lasers for more than necessary times. MB is a timed program, so if your lasers aren't up you are being paid for doing nothing at the expense of your corpmates.
HenCo uses Mining Buddy to track our mining ops. In order for it to work all miners (members and alts) must have created an account with mining buddy (MB) at (using ingame browser) Please do this well in advance (days) of the Op you wish to attend.

When an Event is scheduled in MB an email is sent to each email that was supplied when you registered your MB account. You may reply to this mail but it will not replace logging in and joining on the day of the Op. At the time of the op you need to log in to MB and click the name of the system the op is being held in under 'Current Operations' in the left hand column. (EXAMPLE) It should read 'Tolle' as that's where the op will be held. You should get a page that says 'Detailed mining run information'. Almost to the bottom of the page is the line: Actions. [Join this op] [Close op] [Reload page] Please select 'Join this op'. You'll get another page called 'Join an operation'. This page asks you to choose the type of ship you will be using from a drop down menu.

Pick using these guidelines:
Venture = Frigate 30%
Prospect = Cruiser 48%
Exhumer = Exhumer (all Exhumer payouts are based on Skiff production) 100%
Mining Barge = Mining Barge (all barge payouts are based on Procurer production) 63%
Orca or DST = Industrial Ship 75%
Freighter = Freighter 80%
Fleet Booster using an Orca or Rorqual will pick Capital Industrial Ship (If op requires multiple squads or wings) 100%
(orca and freighter shares to be discussed)
HenCo strongly encourages the use of Procurers and Skiffs for mining. This area is frequented by CODE (gankers) If you decide to fly a retriever/hulk-great, at least I know they will kill you first and leave me alone. Click on the 'Join mining operation' button when you are in the belt ready to mine as it tracks your time from this point on. We will not be using the Haul Ore feature as I'm not going to have the freighter pilots entering their loads into MB when they need to be in the belts. The Haul ore tab can be used at the end of the op to enter all mined ore. When you are leaving the op you must choose the [Leave Op] tab under actions to stop your time. When coming into or leaving an op you should always post it in fleet chat so the mining boss can track it anyway.

Op members who do not 'JOIN OP' or 'LEAVE OP' in MB will have their time deleted as this just screws up the whole program. If you need to leave the op for an extended period (couple minutes or more) plz log out of MB and you can log back in and rejoin the op at any time.
Corp Tax of 10% does apply to these ops.
Once the op has been closed participants should be sure to log into MB and go to 'Wallet'/Manage Wallet and request payment for the op. They will also be able to see who participated and for how long, the amount of ore mined and isk payouts to all participants.

Author: Keto / Asten

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